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The Misters Malin + Goetz Know Skin Care

Andrew Goetz (right above) spent a few minutes talking with Archetype about the beginning of Malin + Goetz, the skin and hair care apothecary and lab he co-founded with Matthew Malin (left above) in Chelsea, during 2004.

Why did you do it? You and Matthew were both already successful in your respective design and product marketing careers, so why upset your world and start Malin and Goetz

“Call it entrepreneurial spirit or call it youthful ignorance, and you’d be right. That being said, the Zeitgeist was right.  It seemed like all the independent brands were being acquired by big multi-national corporations. Keeping things thoughtful and unique gets more difficult when you become part of a large company.  We judged that the time was right for someone to enter the market with a truly special, family owned skincare concept. We jumped on the moment and distilled our ideas and experience into simple, non-intimidating products able to address an impressive list of skincare needs.”

What was most challenging about starting a brand for you?

“The truth is that money is always a huge challenge in the beginning… building a store on the isle of Manhattan (he sighs).   Our office was right there in our store and we packed boxes ourselves at first.  It truly was just “Malin and Goetz” for a while.  We worked constantly, revising and paying close attention to our business plan as we went.  The physical and intellectual fatigue we experienced were offset by our enthusiasm and our belief in what we were doing.”

Malin + Goetz offers some scent options not usually found in skincare. How do you select scents?

“While all the scents in our products smell really lovely, they are chosen for their efficacious qualities.  For example, we use Grapefruit in our Face Cleanser because it has mild anti-bacterial qualities and helps to gently exfoliate skin.  And because all the scents in our skincare products are natural – they do not perfume your skin.  So if you chose to wear a fragrance, it will not compete.  And if you chose not to, you will not smell like the product you just used.”

Archer's guests travel a lot. What advice can you offer them for their travel-weary skin?

“Skin is our largest organ!  Traveling (especially flying) is a stressor on human skin.  When flying it’s important to drink lots of water, avoid alcohol and listen to your skin.”

If you are willing, tell us what's in your dopp kit.

“Matthew and I are lucky in that we have access to it all.  I currently use our Grapefruit Cleanser, a Body Wash, Vitamin E Moisturizer, Shaving Cream and Deodorant.”

Ever in search of “favorite finds” for Archer Hotel guests, Archer noticed Malin + Goetz early on in the amenity planning process and includes their products in every guest room.  Our earliest guests are new fans of the brand.  Friends like the Misters Malin and Goetz encouraged Archer and the hotel team during the process of building “on the isle of Manhattan,” and we are grateful.

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