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Moving Art Moves New York – Part I, Mitchell Schorr Series

Meet Mitchell Schorr

Mitchell Schorr is a young American artist with energy and mixtures of media to spare.  Growing up in New York City (really growing up here his whole life) surrounded him with art everywhere, every day.

“Then, suddenly, Mayor Giuliani’s administration cleaned up much of the city.  I think we might have needed that, but street art went away for a while and was replaced by bright ads everywhere.  When I got out of college, I wanted to put art back in the parks and on the streets.  When I paint a wall in a park, I know that some of the kids who play in that park will only ever see that one piece of artwork because of how their lives are set up.  It makes it important that every wall or gate I do is something that works for kids as well as adults.  If we can get them to care about art, well, that’s something.”

Da Race

Some of the M.Schorr series are stories he enjoys telling to his audience.  For example: “Da Race,” is a series of spray painted gates and murals depicting an intrepid urban good guy (an Ice Cream truck) in a citywide race against various Formula One race cars.  Who doesn’t love ice cream, fast cars, or a good serial story?  Rather than only painting art to be looked at or absorbed in galleries, Mitchell prefers to offer an interactive experience.

He explains that lots of graffiti artists become known by leaving their “tags” or stickers (as in the case of known graffiti artist, Sheppard Fairey) all over a city or even the world.  The Ice Cream truck struggles to stay in the race in one scene and then pulls ahead in a scene painted on a wall halfway across Midtown. People who enjoy “Da Race” have gone as far as to choose favorite cars and to notice when their car is falling too far behind in a new scene they might pass by on the way to work.  So, Mitchell has created a new way to tag a city without repeating one signature or personal symbol over and over.  He engages the viewer in rooting one of the racers on.

A scene from the now 37-part “Da Race” series can be experienced at 38th and 7th Streets, and one of the images (see above) from the series is featured in the Archer Hotel House Art Collection.

Another Hot Schorr Series

Schorr’s oil on canvas work involves motion and urban subjects as well – his fascination with chef’s and their creativity is another experiential series in process (example above) which art lovers may seek out throughout New York.

Chef David Burke as part of Mitchell Schorr's "Hot in the Kitchen" oil on canvas series
Chef David Burke as part of Mitchell Schorr's "Hot in the Kitchen" oil on canvas series.

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